What Do You Want Us To Check Out At NAMM 2012?

Fender, Gibson, PRS, Gretsch, Taylor, and everything in between   10-Jan-12

As you may already know, we go to NAMM every year and film just about every new product that we can physically fit into the space of four days. As you may also know, there are thousands of products at NAMM, so we like to try and focus on the ones that we think people will be interested in.

Last year we covered hundreds of new products, and most of the videos were online just an hour or two after we'd filmed them. So it's like a NAMM experience for you guys, but in the comfort of your own homes. As if that wasn't already enough, we're bringing another member of the Sonic team along this year to do some extra filming and editing, that means we'll have increased firepower on the guitars front (as that extra member is Rob from our Watts Up Guitar Show).

We will endeavour to film all of the biggest products and releases, so what do you want to see? Is there anything you really want to see in action, or perhaps you've heard a rumour about a new product on a forum, and you want us to see if it exists? As NAMM veterans might know, the revolutionary stuff is often located in the downstairs hall, where all the smaller companies and start ups congregate to show off their ideas.

Are there any small companies or new products that you know about, but who need some coverage to give their year a bit of a kick-start? We're not just at NAMM for the established companies, we're there to try and find the next big thing.

That doesn't mean to say that we won't be going to Fender, PRS, Taylor, Marshall, Vox, Ibanez, ESP, Peavey, Laney, Diezel, Jackson, Gretsch, EVH, Egnater, TC Electronic, and just about every other established guitar brand you can think of.

Last year people wanted to know all about the Kitara, and products offering MIDI/iOS connectivity for guitars. This caused a huge trend of iOS guitar products within the bigger companies. Guitarists are always interested in new ways of modelling, cool amps, clever ways of using tubes, companies making custom pedals, 8-string guitars, clever gadgets, bizarre gizmos, celebrity-endorsed products, and limited edition guitars. NAMM is the place for all of the above, so if you're thinking of purchasing something to add to your guitar arsenal, then get us to check it out first.

Rob and I will be on a mission to find all of the coolest gear, and we'll be doing a round-up of our favourite products in a Watts Up special... Hopefully with some interviews with the people behind the gear.

So, please, get in touch and tell us what you want to see, and if you're going to NAMM and you see any of the Sonic team out and about, then don't hesitate to say 'hi'.

Here's a link to some of our favourite releases from last year.

Rich Beech



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