Deep Purple Legend Diagnosed With Cancer

Jon Lord releases a statement confirming his illness   10-Aug-11

Deep Purple Legend Diagnosed With Cancer

Rock legend, Jon Lord, revealed on his website yesterday that he has been diagnosed with cancer. The founding-member of Deep Purple said that he will continue to write music, but due to undergoing treatment next year, he will not be performing live.

Lord’s statement read:

“I would like all my friends, followers, fans and fellow travelers [sic] to know that I am fighting cancer and will therefore be taking a break from performing while getting the treatment and cure.

“I shall of course be continuing to write music — in my world it just has to be part of the therapy — and I fully expect to be back in good shape next year.

“God bless and see you soon.” also asked fans to respect Lord's privacy:

“May we also, at Jon’s request, ask if everyone could please respect his need for privacy so that he can spend time with his family (and his music).”

The keys player also announced a new album simply entitled Live, which is to be an orchestral album.


(Photo from, not the property of Sonic State).

Rich Beech





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