Guerilla Video 6: Rage Rehearse On Camera

Preview of RATM in the rehearsal studio   25-Jul-11

The Guerilla Video team has provided this awesome footage of Rage Against The Machine rehearsing for their upcoming show at L.A. Rising. The whole festival has been organised by the band, and features other artists such as Muse, and Rise Against.

The sound quality isn't excellent, but the video gives a great insight into how the band rehearse for their shows, and is particularly reminiscent of the band's earlier gigs on smaller stages. Guerilla Video is a series of Youtube videos that has documented the run-up to L.A. Rising, and has seen intimate access into the world of Rage Against The Machine. In the previous episode, the band took a tour round the L.A. Memorial Coliseum, where their show is due to take place on Saturday July 30th.


Rich Beech



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