Podcast: SONIC TALK 224 - Ergonomically - Its Questionable

US AudioGL,TC Voicelive Touch, impOSCar2, iPad teacher, Wubify      07/07/11

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79:0 mins

  Dave Spiers - GForce Software fine virtual instruments
  Mark Tinley- Creative thinker, sound artist LikeBeing.com
  Rich Hilton from camp Chic where he mans the controls for Nile Rodgers' private studio. 
  Gaz Williams - producer and songwriter
Got the gang together fir this weeks show - minus PJ who is going to be here in person next week in the UK. We have a lot to talk about this week - Gaz has just taken delivery of the TC Helicon VoiceLive Touch - which sounds great on his vpodcasting voice, Dave Spiers has the new impOSCar2 release for mac and the Touch Digital Controllers Hardware control is here too.

As well as the above, we talk about the recent video from StoreVanMusic.com using the iPad (x24) to teach music to kids, then the amazing AudioGL 3D synthesizer environment. Then we talk Wubify and creating an influential sound or technique. Finally the iTune Top 50 Paid Music Apps comes under a bit of scrutiny.

Thanks to Absorber for the show title.

Show Sponsor
YamahaSynth.com - Yamaha do mixers - we're talking the N Series N8 and N12 Firewire equipped recording mixers.

Please do come and join us LIVE each week as we stream our live recording at  
Sonicstate.com/Live Every Wednesday at 4pm UK time.


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