MESSE11: Roland Showcases Showcase Maker

US New VR-5 offers video and audio mixing and live streaming      12/04/11

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I have to sneak in the fact we were doing online video 2 years before YouTube was born, but now World+Dog is doing the web video thing, it's high time there was some nice hardware aimed at those trying to up their game and get into quasi-broadcast live vision mixing an 'ting.

Roland, through their RSG and Edirol associations, have long been involved in video, so it comes as no suprise they've released a new video & audio all-in-one unit aimed squarely at the burgeoning video market.

The VR-5 takes a number of different video and audio feeds, provides a bunch of mixing and processing functions, and outputs both to on-board storage to SD card, and to direct outs and a MP4 stream over USB, so you can send the mixed 'cast to online streaming services such as Ustream.

All very handy, it would seem - so we asked Roland Systems Group product specialist Phil Skins to give us a quick run through.

All this power does come at a price though at around £3,500 its not an impulse buy. However when you consider that this and a laptop, plus a couple of cameras could have you streaming live events, it does put it in perspective.

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