Man Takes His Guitar On Global Cycle Ride

Robbie Sage to raise money for charity   14-Mar-11

Global Guitar: an introduction. from Robbie Sage on Vimeo.


A man from Scotland is embarking on a three-year round the world cycle trip – and he’s taking his guitar along for the ride!

Robbie Sage, 24, is so fond of his guitar that he has decided to take it with him to share music with the people he encounters.

He set off from Scotland on February 26 and plans to cycle to France, Turkey, Asia, India and Iran before catching a flight to Japan.

He will then go on to Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and America before finishing in Canada.

He said: “The trip should take at least 3 years to complete but I have no time restricitions that would cause the trip to finish before completion. The only factor will be money. I will be looking for sponsors or will stop and work somewhere in order to provide the finances required to finish. Buying my music and spreading the word will be a great way to help me along with this.”

Mr Sage will record his music and release it to boost the Hear The World Foundation and help support his trip. Visit


Rich Beech



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