Podcast: SONIC TALK 194 - Hands on The Slim Phatty

US Ableton's Chief Clinician, Moog's new baby, PowerCore, Hank Shocklee      21/10/10

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68:21 mins

This podcast was recorded live via Ustreamyou can watch the whole recording right there.

    Rich Hilton -  from camp Chic where he mans the controls for Nile Rodgers' private studio. 
    Dave Spiers - GforceSoftware.com
   Huston Singletary  - Chief clinician and trainer for Ableton
   Gaz Williams -  Bristol based music producer
Moog has a new baby, but not before we talk to Huston Singletary - Ableton's lead clinician and training guy in the US - he actually has a Slim Phatty in his possession. We talk of PowerCore 4.0 update and other DSP accelerator systems, the secrets of Japanese synth design, Hank Shocklee talks tech from back in the day

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