New App Turns iPhone Into 'Ultimate Gestural MIDI Controller'

US For Video, Music And More      10/10/10

New App Turns iPhone Into 'Ultimate Gestural MIDI Controller'

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AirJ Limited has released AirJ Pro - a new app that captures motion detected on iPhones and iPod touches and converts it into MIDI, which is can be sent to your computer over WiFi.


  • The app is designed to let you use your movements to control a wide range of MIDI-compatible software, including Logic, Mainstage, Garageband, Ableton Live and Traktor.
  • You can run AirJ Pro on multiple devices simultaneously.
  • Not only does AirJ send MIDI, it can respond to MIDI messages from computers or other AirJ devices on the network.
  • AirJ comes with a selection of default templates to work with your favourite software.
  • You can create and customise your own gestures, macros and sets.
  • A configurable controller interface means you can develop custom ways to interact with your MIDI apps.
See Sonic State's AirJ BPM10 video for a demo of the app in action. 

Pricing and Availability

AirJ Pro is available now in the App Store for US $14.99. 


James Lewin
Twitter @podcasting_news

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