Free Sample LIbrary From Richard Devine & Josh Kay

US Cwejman S1 Modular Battery Kits      12/06/10

Free Sample LIbrary From Richard Devine & Josh Kay

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DevineSound has released two Cwejman S1 Modular Battery kits, one by Richard Devine and one by Josh Kay.

Both sample packs were made almost exclusively with the Cwejman S1 modular synthesizer.

They describe the Battery kits as "a strange collection of percussion one-shots, hits, pulses, and other unclassifiable noises. Feed your drum machine weird things!"

Each sample pack contains 128 .WAV files and a Battery 3 kit.

The Cwejman S1 Modular Battery Kits sample pack, featuring 256 samples, is available as a free download. 


James Lewin
Twitter @podcasting_news

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