Free Accessories With Stomp IO

US IK announces Expand Your Rig! Promotion      02/10/08

Free Accessories With Stomp IO

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IK Multimedia have announced the Expand Your Rig! Promotion whereby you can buy a StompIO and get your choice of an expression pedal or double switch, and a free T-Shirt. Here’s the press release:
IK Multimedia is proud to announce the “Expand Your Rig!� promotion. From October 1st to November 30th 2008, customers who purchase and register StompIO will receive their choice of either an additional expression pedal or double stomp switch, plus a free StompIO T-shirt!
That’s a free accessory worth up to $79.99/ Euro59.99 and a free T-shirt!
IK Multimedia’s revolutionary StompIO is changing the way guitarists and bassists play live and record in the studio. StompIO lets you control IK’s “Powered by AmpliTube� software with the same feel and unlimited real-time control as a custom pedalboard and amp rig.
StompIO lets you connect and assign up to 6 additional pedals and switches, perfect for guitarists or bass players looking to create a powerful virtual custom pedalboard. Choose either IK’s Expression Pedal or Double Switch depending on your needs.
The expression pedal gives you real-time control with the same feel as a classic wah or volume pedal, and the double switch lets you turn effects on and off with the same feel as a traditional stompbox.
The StompIO T-shirt is a stylish way to announce that you’re on the cutting edge of guitar and bass multi-FX. Sporting both the StompIO and “Powered by AmpliTube� logos, fans everywhere will know how you get such killer tones!
So get to your local shop or visit IK’s online store to take advantage of this amazing offer right away! Don’t wait, because the end of November will be here sooner than you think!
Pricing and Availability:
Promotion valid from October 1st until November 30th, 2008. Date of registration is decisive - the purchased software must be registered between October 1st and November 30th, 2008.
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