Top US Voiceover Artist Dies

US Don LaFontaine Dies Aged 68      04/09/08

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Don LaFontaine, the man who lent his voice to thousands of movie trailers over a 33 year career, has died at the age of 68.
His deep rich voice will be known to millions, as will his much imitated signiature phrase “in a world where…�

LaFontaine began his career as an audio engineer working at the National Recording Studios in New York City. In 1962, he worked on some radio spots for the movie Dr. Strangelove with producer Floyd Peterson. Peterson incorporated many of LaFontaine’s ideas for the spots, and in 1963, they went into business together producing advertising exclusively for the movie industry.
While working on the 1964 western, Gunfighters of Casa Grande, LaFontaine had to fill in for an unavailable voice actor. After MGM bought the spots, LaFontaine began a full time career as a voiceover artist.

When the advent of ISDN technology became viable, he built a recording studio in his Hollywood Hills home and began doing his work from home. He remained active until recently, averaging seven to ten voiceover sessions a day from his home studio.

LaFontaine died on Monday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center from complications in the treatment for an ongoing lung connected illness. Simon Power

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