Podcast: Sonic State Talk - 007

US Jessica Simpson sings to Andy, Kaoss Pad 3, Microsoft's voice bungle,Brian Eno, Chart fixing on Youtube      03/08/06

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25:0 mins

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This weeks episode welcomes Hollin Jones, a journalist, musician, lecturer and author, plus Andy Jones (no relation) - former editor of Future Music and now the big cheese at Feedback PR - a company specializing in promoting musical products.

We talk about the Jessica Simpson and her new ploy of creating personalized versions of her single Public Affair, the dreadful Microosoft Vista voice recognition demo bungle, we have an interview with Simon Power- producer of our new Tehcnomania series, the new trend of trading used gear online from Kid Nepro, the mighty KAOSS Pad 3 from Korg, as well as a hack for the OASYS. Apple rumours and more...

We’ve set up a Skype account for people to leave comments (which may be played on subsequent episodes) or requests to be considered for a part on the show.

You can contact using the Skype handle 'sonictalk' or if you want to use the phone, our number in the US is:

US Tel: (312) 376-8089
Intl: 001 312 376-8089


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