NAMM: Web Round Up - UPDATED

US What - Life beyond Sonic State?      25/01/04

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Although we like to think our coverage is the most complete there are sites that can actually add to it. So I've done a bit of trawling to come up with some recommendations. I'm not going to link all the manufacturers (except one) because I'd be here all night - just sites covering the show "independently"(ish). Anything I've missed drop me an email.

Harmony Central
HC have done their normal excellent job of covering the press releases given out during the show period (how they find time to get them up is beyond me). They have also put a lot of effort into video (we saw Scott and Wilson lugging round a ton of video equipment on numerous occasions during the show) and have got some 20+ video pieces up. In fact we covered some of the Roland demos together. Only downside is they deliver their videos in Real Media only.
Click here their NAMM coverage.

Synth Zone
Although Synth Zone has had no specific NAMM coverage their BBS has been humming with NAMM news particularly Arranger keyboards which are covered at Synth Zone better than anywhere else.
General NAMM discussions focused on arranger keyboards here and here and here and even here.

NAMM Oddities
If you like our stories on the Flute Snake and the Industrial Machines you'll love this site. It covers the non-mainstream aspects of the show and does an excellent job. I only discovered the site this year and what a find. Definitely my favourite - go check it out.
Namm coverage click here

etrinity is a regular contributor to The Gas Station and has done thorough NAMM reports for the last few years. This year is no exception. Good comments, lots of pics and well put together.
Click here to read etrinitys excellent report (and to listen to his music).
The show itself has a good selection of press releases and photos.
Photos here.
Press releases here.

This site was not known to me until one of its users dropped Nick an email. He passed it on and I checked it out. It majors in software instruments, in particular open standard audio plugins. It's great to look at, and has some excellent coverage of the show and lively discussion in the forums. It's well worth a click.
So click here!.

Dean Guitars
If you like pictures of pretty girls, wearing almost nothing, then go to this site. Dean Guitars have cornered the market on "chick" pics this year.
Click here and scroll down to satisfy your curiosity.

Audio World
Audio World have a few Namm stories up (although much less than last year and they've still got those on this page confusingly).
You have to click here to see.

Print Mags on line coverage.....
I struggled to find much coverage in the majority of the US mags web sites. But having a look around I found the following. Let me know if I've missed any

Future Music
The guys from Future were really earning their pay at NAMM this year both writing for print and the web.
So check out their hard work here.

Pro Sound News
For a traditional publication Pro Sound News has a good selection of NAMM stories online.
Check it out here.

Sound On Sound
Sound on Sound have got lots of stories up in their forums.
Go here to view.

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