MESSE: Moog Endorse New Modular VSTi

US Arturia name it the Moog Modular V      08/03/03

Massive synth in a small box
The Modular V is a faithful reproduction of one of the most legendary synthesizers of all time: the Moog modular. Up till now, these giant modulars are normally only been seen in the company of wealthy synthesists with studios based in remote chateaus, or so I like to think... Well Arturia, the French company who make Storm – the software music studio, have released a software VST version that by all accounts really does capture the sound. Dr Bob Moog himself has been involved in helping ensure the original has been captured faithfully: Bob Moog says, “Arturia's Moog Modular V is a high quality computer emulation of the analog modular synthesizer technology that Moog Music(R) originally introduced. Traditional front panel controls and switches are clearly and accurately displayed, while virtual patch cords can be plugged in or removed with the click of the mouse. The basic audio generating and modifying functions are instantly available, and so are envelope generators, LFO's, and other traditional control functions. The Modular V offers important contemporary features like MIDI, easy loading and saving of patches, and polyphonic tone generation. With the Modular V installed in your computer, you can develop a wide range of modular synth effects, and then program or play them as you wish. I am delighted that Arturia's Moog Modular V is adding a new dimension to an instrument tradition that has a special meaning to so many musicians." In 1964 the first version of what was to become the Moog modular system was introduced by Bob Moog at the AES Show. “Probably the number one modular system” according to Peter Forrest (the A-Z of Analogue Synthesizers), it was soon to be adopted by the most famous artists and bands of that time. Moog Modular V is based on a new set of algorithms created by Arturia’s sound engineers and gathered under the name True Analog Emulation (TAE). It brings a superior quality of sound when reproducing analog circuits. In particular, TAE avoids any sort of aliasing; it also emulates the typical instability of hardware oscillators and brings the warm sound of the vintage synths. In addition to the replication of all the functions of the original, the Moog Modular V comes loaded with more than 400 presets made by a selection of the most famous sound designers. Addtionally, Arturia have added an extra multimode filter to give the Modular V some extra possibilities System Requirements
  • Windows (Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP)
    128 Mbytes RAM ; 500 Mhz processor
  • Mac OS 9: 128 Mbytes RAM ; 500 Mhz processor
  • Mac OS X: 128 Mbytes RAM ; 500 Mhz processor Shipping in April 2003 at around 329 euros/$ For more information
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