Synth Site |  Roland |  VK-1

  VK-1 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1980  Specifications
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javex writes:
The Roland Vk-1 conbo organ is a very convincing B3 clone. It is Roland's take on the Cx-3 put out by Korg a little earlier. It has three preset configurations and one user defined configuration. This is done by setting the 9 drawbars much like you would on a B3. It has three percussion (key click) settings as well as soft/loud, and fast/short decay settings. You can also control the brilliance and the tuning. It has a chorus effect (found on the B3) rather than a Leslie simulator like the Cx-3, so if you can find a Leslie to run it through (or even a Korg G4), you can get a very authentic B3 sound. Production ran from the late 70's to the early eighties. It belongs to the VK-09, VK-6, VK-9 family, the last two having two keyboards stacked like a B3.

Comments About the Sounds:
Very nice B3 sound, can do the typical Booker T/Jimmy Smith jazz organ, as well as a nice Santana sound (provided you can find a Leslie, though I suggest a Korg G4 as it has a Drive effect built in, and is much lighter!!)

(Thanks to javex for this info.)
and Carsten for the pic

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