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  T2 At a Glance
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Ian Douglas writes:
I've used a T2 synth for about 2.5 years now and it's one of the coolest, heaviest keyboards I've had a chance to use that long.

The preset performance combinations are typically pretty good, although most of them require editting to be usable for anything live. Before I got into making my own polyphonic sounds, I found myself using only 2 of the 100 combinations available.

There are only two banks of 100 single-sound presets, most of which are very good. Some of the piano sounds are lacking in my opinion. Some of the brass sounds just suck, some are better than average.

Without ever looking at a manual for the 'board, I found it relatively easy to edit the performance combinations.

Haven't played with the sequencer at all.

Just wanted to add my $0.02 worth since the T2 wasn't listed on the page at all.

Comments About the Sounds:
99 preset combinations aren't bad.

(Thanks to Ian Douglas for this info.)
and Eastern Keyboard Services for the pic

Links for the Korg T2
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
The Korg M/T Series Super Site Info and Resources for the Korg M1, M1R, M3R, and T-Series Synths
Route 66 Studios Replacement floppy drives, owners manuals.
The Patch King The Best Korg Sounds @ The Best Prices. Thousands of new sounds for dozens of Korg Synths. Check us Out!
Rewritable ROM card for Korg T
Korg T2
Deep Synthesis Page info, mp3 sound examples

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