Synth Site |  Korg |  Poly-61M

  Poly-61M At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1984?  Specifications
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JuNo writes:
It's exactly the same as the Poly-61 but the "M" stands for... MIDI! The MIDI is very basic (omni) but I use it with an "Anatek Pocket Channel" (can easily be picked up about 50$), and it works great! The sounds are not too bad either. I love the "Chord Memory" function. You can also use this function as a unison mode and fatten up the sound considerably. The arpeggio is a nice feature, and I love the Joystick. The only thing I don't like about it, is that you have to program it with 2 little buttons (Value up/down), But you get used to it and it becomes childs play after a while. Still, knobs or sliders would have been nice. What I like the most about this synth is that it sounds different and unique in it's own way. With a little effort, effects or a sampler you can create very cool analog sounds!

Comments About the Sounds:
It's not a Juno or a Jupiter but the sounds are very warm and nice. Let your imagination do a little work and you can create some pretty cool patches.

(Thanks to JuNo for this info.)
and juanferlinks for the pic

Links for the Korg Poly-61M
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