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  iS40 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1998  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.9/5 |  Read reviews (7)
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Milan Markovic writes:
Very good keyboard that includes aftertouch and velocity, sounds that are comparable with some more expensive keyboards. Easy for use with good user manual. For hobist or profies who don't want to spend more then 2500 DEM it seems to be a good choice. Built in speakers (14W) give you possibility to play at home without phones on your head.

Operating system is upgradable from floppy disk (one upgrade is released on that enable lyrics on your display). For users who need special ethnic styles there is place for 16 user styles BUT you cannot create styles on your iS40. You can however use i2, i3, i30 styles that can be converted to new KORGM style format.

One lack is missing of preview arrangement feture. While you are playing one certain arrangement, you cannont preview other arrangements (performances) and then skip to new arrangement. You must remember arrangement's bank positions instead. If Korg release upgrade that will fix this problem, I can say that KORG iS40 is better choice of Roland G-600. Otherwise, look around for some other keyboard.

Comments About the Sounds:
Very good sounds for 32 oscilators. Comparable with some more expensive models

(Thanks to Milan Markovic for this info.)
and Kevin.Steele for the pic

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