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  Sunsyn At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1998  Specifications
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subhuman writes:
Sonic -This is a true analog beast, something quite rare in todays cheaply manufactured market. 8-vioces with interesting multi-mode filters, its quite an ambitious project. Sadly this is reflected in the never quite finished feel of the OS, which doesn't quite fit together - the multitimbral mode (at time of writing) wasn't really up together yet.

OS updates are in the pipeline, so it's not all bad news, and when in mono-timbral mode the Sunsyn is a true monster - fat doesn't really cover it. If you can get to hear one. If you can get to hear one, make the effort, you shouldn't be disapointed.

Comments About the Sounds:
This is true analog.

(Thanks to subhuman for this info.)

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