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  Poly-Synthi At a Glance
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Anonymous writes:
he PolySynthi is totally unique. In the minds of many, include it's designer, it is a disaster. In practice in a 1990s studio environment it is an inspiration. It uses three busses to patch modulation and signal sources, similar to the VCS3 patchbay, but more robust. The sound source is quite weak - a fully polyphonic "oscillator bank", with square, sine and triangle waves (mixable) and noise. Two filter slopes are provided, 12dB and 24dB / octave, but no resonance. It has a fully controllable Analog Delay line, which is one of the hidden gems, along with the two fully patchable ADSRs. For weird effects it has no peer - not even the VCS3. As a string synth, it is, er, limited, but what the hell. Aftertouch is implemented albeit in a totally unique way. There were around 50 made (< 30 according to Graham Hinton). Mine is s/n 22 - see the photo. It's not for sale.

Comments About the Sounds:
There's *nothing* else like it...

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