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  AWE64V At a Glance
Picture needed arrowReleased: 1997  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 2.5/5 |  Read reviews (2)
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CreativeFSV writes:
As a sound card the audio in and out are pretty good, but I reckon that that the on board synth is a bit trashy, the kick drum doesn't kick and the piano's aren't really very piano-ey. But then I am comparing it to a Yamaha SW60XG so what do you expect?? The only decent sounds are the Hihats, nice and tizzy.

Note well - this card is NOT 64-note polyphonic-the extra 32 voices are done by a 'wave-synth' as Creative Labs call it and when you are using the wave-synth you have no digi-audio output!

Comments About the Sounds:
Hihats are just about the only sound I use...

(Thanks to CreativeFSV for this info.)

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