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  VL1 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1981  Specifications
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Robert Enforsen writes:
Human League used it at the album "Dare"! Trio used it at the song Da Da Da"! Some rumours saying that Depeche Mode used it at the album "Construction Time Again" Do you get the chance to try it (it¥s hard to find) you should know that you¥re doing the programming in the calculator mode. YES!!! It¥s a built in calculator!!! Casio first released the machine as a calculator with a built in synthesizer, but later had to change the description. People saw it as a music instrument!

Comments About the Sounds:
Completely cold, but still fantastic. Think about the music coming from an old computergame, but richer timbres.

(Thanks to Robert Enforsen for this info.)
and Matthew Scott for the pic

Links for the Casio VL1
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Maximum Cheesecore The Ultimate Casio VL-1 Super Site
The Casio VL-Tone ADSR function How to program the ADSR, and what each digit of the 8-digit code actually controls - a wonderfully useful site!!
The Casio room at History and technical information about Casio instruments.
VL-Tone Flash Toy Play with a virtual VL-Tone online.
Bazziman's Home Studio for Dance Music Site All you need to use the VL-Tone. Tips 'n Tricks, Faq, Ideas etc.
Retro Sound - Marko Ettlich Cool Infos and Links

Try the Casio links page for more..

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