Synth Site |  Akai |  612 Sampler

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  612 Sampler At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1985  Specifications
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Anonymous writes:
Uses quickDiscs for storage which I'm not too sure if you can buy anymore. One of the first 'budget' samplers ever made, had a funny disc rack as I remember...

and Johan Nordström for the pic

Links for the Akai 612 Sampler
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
here´s a pic of the akai 612, an ad picture of 612
Akai S612 page at read about the history and technical information about this instrument samples and loops
The Patch King The Worlds Largest 3rd Party Synth & Sampler Developers. Thousands of new sounds for over 100 synths and samplers. Large Sound Library for All Akai Samplers on Floppy Disk, CD-ROMS or Zip Disks.
Akai s612 sysex instructions for s612 sysex sample dumping
S612 page pics, comments, MP3 sounds, info
Samplesystem S612 Harald Plontke's superlative Akai S612/S700/X7000 software for Atari ST (runs well in the Steem emulator)
Redmond Cable Corp. Source for 13-pin cable that connects S612 to the ax60 synth.
Redmond Cable Corp.- has 13-pin cable to run S612 through AX60 above link is incorrect

Try the Akai links page for more..

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