Drum And Bass On A Bike

US Not yet part of the cycling proficiency scheme      29/04/21

We've had acid house in the car, so whats next..Drum & Bass on a bike? Yes, that's exactly whats next! Dom Whitling is the man on the mic, on the decks and on a bike, taking to the streets of London and Oxford doing shout outs and dodging traffic while mixing DnB rollers. 

He's got a calm, collected manner both on the mic and on the bike - with pedestrians, fellow cyclists and bus drivers getting involved along the way. It's amazing to see DJing being taken to the streets in this way and a breath of fresh air for those missing nightlife.

Dom seems to be the perfect chap to be at (and on) the wheels of steel, more to come for sure!   



About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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