Podcast: Sonic TALK 451 - Reaktor Blocks, MIDI i/f, Synclavier V

US iConntectivity MIO, Softube Modular, K-Mix and more      16/06/16

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79:19 mins


  • Ty Unwin - film and TV composer
  • Rich Hilton - Chic bandmember and Nile Rodgers' studio guy
  • Gaz Williams - producer, bassplayer and music technologist

NOTE: Cymru Beats Stream will be here on Saturday 18th June from 6pm

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We start with an homage to the AKG 451, then on to the iConnectivity MIO MIDI interfaces, Reaktor Blocks 1.2 and Softubes Modular release, the elusive GDR Subharchord, performing outside or in unusual spaces, Arturia Synclavier V - and a word about Gaz's upcoming Glastonbury naked gig...

Where to Watch/Listen - We now stream the live show to Youtube Live as well as at Sonicstate.com/live every Weds at 4pm UK time - please do join in. You can also download the audio version from iTunes

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