Elektro Moskva - Russian Electronic Music Movie

US This looks awesome      20/11/13

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Just came in via Ken MacBeth's Facebook wall, this looks like a great movie, unfortunately, my Russian is non-existant, but I hope there will be a dub..

Worth a visit to the ElektroMoskva.com site too - theres another trailer not available elsewhere.

Is it just me, or is the main bloke a ringer for Mr Cwejman?

ELEKTRO MOSKVA (Electro Moscow) is an essayistic documentary about the Soviet electronic age and its legacy. The story begins with the inventor of the world's first electronic instrument, Leon Theremin, unveiling the KGB's huge pile of fascinating devices, some of which were musical. They all came into existence as a by-product of a rampant defense industry. Nowadays, those aged and abandoned 'musical coffins', as solidly made as a Kalashnikov, are being recycled and reinterpreted by the post-Soviet generations of musicians, sound collectors and circuit benders. The story of the Soviet synthesizers as an allegory to the everyday life under the Soviet system: nothing works, but you have to make the best out of it. An electronic fairy tale about the inventive spirit of the free mind inside the iron curtain- and beyond.

Running time 89 mins



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