Guitar Porn of the Month: May

The most scintillating guitar and gear pics from this month   29-May-13

Guitar Porn of the Month: May

Each month, we take a look at some of the most titilating, scintilating and mouthwatering photos of guitars and guitar gear from around the web.

If it's expensive, looks gorgeous, or has a bit of naked circuitry, then you can guarantee that it's on our Guitar Porn of the Month feature.

This month is very much orientated towards electric guitars, rather than pedals, with some beautiful classic electric guitars in the mix. With photos from Fender, Knaggs, Mayones, Panda Custom Shop, and TC Electronic, check out our guitar porn of the month gallery below:

Photo 1 - Fender Jazzmaster, 1961 issue

This Fender Jazzmaster was in for repair at the Guitar Hospital all the way over in Malaysia. The guys at Guitar Hospital, a popular guitar repair workshop, say it's the oldest Fender they've ever worked on.

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