Billy Sheehan Signature Drive Pedal

EBS and legendary bassist co-operate on new stompbox   09-Jan-13

Billy Sheehan Signature Drive Pedal

The EBS Billy Sheehan Signature Drive pedal, developed by EBS in close co-operation with bassist Billy Sheehan will be introduced this month at the NAMM show in Anaheim.

EBS tells us that the new pedal is based on the concept of mixing together a clean signal with a distorted to be able to preserve low frequencies and find balance between distortion and definition. They say that the option to activate a built-in compressor makes it possible to keep the note differentiation clearly audible even at heavily distorted sounds. Here's the rest of what EBS has to say...

This pedal also offers unlimited pre-post mix tone shaping, through the unique features of a clean loop and a drive loop. So, the user can insert any other effect they wish within each loop to 'pimp' the effect into your own signature effect! Example: add a graphic EQ to the drive, to change the character of the distortion.Or add your favourit compressor to the Clean Loop instead of using the built-in offered in the pedal.

On the new extended sized stomp box from EBS, there are controls for Drive (gain for the overdrive engine), Tone (sets the frequency scoop for the drive), Level (sets level for drive channel post DriveLoop and pre final compressor) and Clean (sets level for the clean channel, post Clean Loop and pre final compressor).

The pedal offers three different compression modes: High, Mid and Off. The level of compression on the Mid setting can be determined by the user through an internal trim pot.

Billy Sheehan had this to say, "This pedal is a distillate of several important principles in the signal chain for bass. Compression, distortion, tone-shaping and blending all together."

Pricing and Availability:

The pedal is due to start shipping out simultaneously with the NAMM Show, and begin to hit stores worldwide in February.

Price in US: $199 (in Sweden 1995 SEK. Euro and £ price TBA).

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