Podcast: Sonic TALK058 - Reason 4, Nuendo 4, Fab Four

US Rap is dead, inspiration matters, Tenori-On      06/09/07

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56:11 mins

TALK058 finally gets recorded in the new Sonic Towers office, where its still a bit echoey and you can hear the occasional hammering from the continuing work on the building. That doesn't stop my guests from speaking their minds, and what a collection of them we have: Gforce Software Dave Spiers, Rich Hilton from the Chic camp, Noneric from Digitalmusician and MusoTalk.de, PJ Tracy - musician and studio owner from Minneapolis and finally Mark Tinley - sound artist and experienced boffin whos work with Nick Rhodes keeps him on his toes. As I fight off my woolly head, Noneric brings us news of Reason 4, Nuendo 4, we talk of Tenori-On, then move on to the massive slump in Rap sales, the Struggling Musicians Toolkit and associated resources including Jamstudio.com. What do you do for inspiration? East West's Fab Four sample library, then I get some group therapy for my mid-life crisis - thanks guys - group hug! Remember... Do Call Us We’ve set up a Skype account for people to leave comments (which may be played on subsequent episodes) or requests to be considered for a part on the show. You can contact using the Skype handle 'sonictalk' or if you want to use the phone, our number in the US is:

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