Capture Your Actions For The Last 30 Seconds

US Puremagnetik releases Klamur | Dual Lookback Processor      15/05/24

Puremagnetik has released Klamur, which they describe as an "always on" lookback recorder and loop processor.

A spokesperson told us, "With the ability to capture your actions from the past 90 seconds and the flexibility to loop and process them, this advanced processor also includes several other compelling features."

Here's more details direct from the company...

Klamur was designed as a versatile sound recording tool with the ability to capture a 90-second audio clip and manipulate it in various ways. This dual-purpose device acts as both an audio scratchpad and sound design tool, offering options such as a looper, glitch recorder, dub delay, and more.

With Klamur, you can easily access and manipulate past recordings, allowing for the exploration of unique sounds and ideas that may have otherwise been difficult to reproduce.

By defining two individual loops from the scratchpad audio, each with the option for modulation, a wealth of sound design possibilities can be unlocked through the use of features such as mixing, delay, and spectral processing.

Minimum Requirements

• OSX 10.8 or Windows 10 x64
• Audio Units or VST/VST3 compatible audio host

Pricing and Availability:
Klamur is $9 this month as part of Puremagnetik's monthly membership. For $9 per month ($89 annually) members get newly developed devices each month.

More information:



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