Superbooth 2023: Tempera Granular Synth From The Vector Synth People

US 8 tracks or samples, 16 voices      15/05/23

We spoke to Andre Sklenar of VectorSynth  about their new product, Tempora. Tempora is a granular synthesizer and sampler that has a total global pool of 4000 samples, with 16 voices of polyphony, per-voice filters, and per-voice modulators.

The basic operation is that you have eight tracks or samples that can be short or up to 10-12 seconds long, and you put in a note and an emitter that tells it what pitch to play and where the grains come from. Each emitter can have a different size, density, and color coding, and you can modulate the parameters of each.

The interface provides good utility in terms of where the grains are pulled, and there is no waveform, so users are encouraged to listen and explore with their fingers. The Tempora is PC powered, and if you want, you can use a power bank. VectorSynth plans to start doing pre-orders as soon as possible, and the price is yet to be determined.

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