XYZ Accelerometer - A Synthesizer For iOS

US Motion-controlled synth with parameter control via its x, y and z axis      09/04/20

Pablo, the developer of a new iOS synth has been in touch to tell us about it. Here's the details in his own words...

Make music never has been so easy, and fun with so pro features.
XYZ Synth is a full synthesizer controlled by motion. Each parameter of the synthesizer can be controlled by x, y and z axes getting you a precise control of the sound and generating incredibles melodies.
XYZ Synth is a new music instrument that allows you create music as never before.
Push Start and activate the synth parameters from controllers pages then move the iPhone, the sound will change depending of the selected parameters. Create melodies with the arpeggiator and progressions with the sequencer.
Start by the first steps tutorial included.
And with a little practice you will control it.
See it in action on marketing url.
-X, Y, Z representation.
-X controls page.
-Y controls page.
-Z controls page
-Two Synthesizers.
-Base Oscillator.
-Oscillstor 5th.
-Sub Oscillator.
-Filter Cutoff.
-Envelop Atack.
-Envelop Deacay.
-Envelope sustain.
-Freqiuency Modulator.
-Lfo Amount.
-Lfo Rate.
-Dealy feedback.
-Base Oscillator2.
-Oscillstor 5th2.
-Sub Oscillator2.
-Filter Cutoff2.
-Envelop Atack2.
-Envelop Deacay2.
-Envelope sustain2.
-Freqiuency Modulator2.
-Lfo Amount2.
-Lfo Rate2.
-Dealy feedback2.
-16 steps Sequencer.
-16 steps Arpeggiator.
-Delay tempo.
-Start/Stop Button.
-Reset unselected parameters button.
-First steps tutorial.

Pricing and Availability:
$4.99 at the app store.

More information:



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