MESSE 2015: Sennheiser and Apogee Have Love Child

US Twins in fact - Clip Mic Digital and MKE2 Digital      28/04/15
    MP4 3:56 mins    

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We found out at NAMM earlier this year that Apogee and Sennheiser were holding hands and whispering sweet nothings at each other... the first products of that union were delivered at Messe in the form of a heatlthy bouncing pair of twins; Clip Mic Digital, and sibling MKE2 Digital.

Both mics play nicely with IOS devices to give you some jolly nice audio recordings thank you very much.

Proud parent Roger Robindore from Apogee was on hand at the Sennheiser booth to show the new offspring.


Andy McCreeth

Musik MESSE 2015 Kit:
Tascam DR-70D 4 Channel recorders

Audio-Technica System 10 Wireless mics

Sennheiser Social

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