Fractal Audio FX-8 Multi-FX Pedal Unveiled... Wait, WHAT?!

It's the moment a lot of you have been waiting for   09-Jun-14

Fractal Audio FX-8 Multi-FX Pedal Unveiled... Wait, WHAT?!
Photo via the Fractal Audio website

How long have the masses been begging for a Fractal Audio pedalboard multi-fx unit? The answer is - a long time.

And it seems like guitarists are finally getting their wish. The Fractal Audio FX-8 multi-fx pedal board has been announced as "coming soon" on the Fractal Audio website.

We're hoping it will fill a gap in the market by coming at a lower price point than the AXE FX rack units, but offering Fractal's superb studio quality digital effects.

Here's what the company have said about Fractal Audio FX-8 on their website:

"Just effects. Specifically designed for 4CM with dedicated pre- and post- paths. Up to 8 simultaneous effects. Any number assignable pre/post. Any combination of series or parallel routing.

"Two expression pedal inputs, four relay outputs. USB for remote editing with free FX8-Edit software. Silent Switch technology from the MFC Mark III. True Bypass. Internal, universal power supply.

"Does it channel switch an amplifier? – Yes

"Is there anything it can do that AXE FX II cannot? Are there any thing new that is not in the axe fx II? – True bypass and relay outputs. Longer Looper time. Other than that it's most of the fx from the Axe-Fx II in a floor package."

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