Axl Rose Claim Against Guitar Hero III Goes Through Court

One claim thrown out, but another claim to be heard by judge   16-Aug-12

Axl Rose Claim Against Guitar Hero III Goes Through Court
Axl Rose in Nottingham, England, in 2012 // CC // Delusion23

Axl Rose has seen one of his claims against Activision thrown out of court, while another claim will be heard. The judge ruled that Guitar Hero III developers Activision did not act fraudulently in their negotiations with the Guns 'N' Roses singer for use of the song 'Welcome to the Jungle'.

However, the judge ruled that a trial for breach of contract could go ahead, although that claim is also expected to be dismissed once it goes to trial.

In the $20 million case, Rose's lawyers will get the chance to argue that due to the use of Slash's image in connection with Guitar Hero III, Activision breached their contract with their client.

It is thought that Axl Rose only agreed to allow to song to be used if Slash's image was not used in the game, but the guitarist was heavily featured as a character in Guitar Hero III.

The trial will go ahead in February 2013.

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