AES08SF: Arturia Ship Origin Polysynth

US Tearful Arturian parents send hardware offspring to fend for itself      03/10/08

AES08SF: Arturia  Ship Origin Polysynth
Ooh lala

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Arturia have been struggling with the production of their Origin hardware polysynth for a little time, Frederic Bruin CEO of the French Software nee Hardware synth makers was fairly candid when we discussed the difficulties of transitioning from software to hardware when we spoke. But now, and no doubt amidst much "hip, hip and hoora-ing" or whatever the French equivalent is, the Origin is shipping. The hardware DSP system houses several synthesizers in one machine powered by two Tiger Sharc DSP chips. From classic emulations to "new and innovative" ones, the Origin allows you to mix and match various modules from these synths to create sounds using their TAE Engine - the same technology that can be found driving their popular 2600V, Moog Modular V, Jupiter 8V soft synths and the like. With up to 32 voices, and 10 audio ouputs as well as USB and MIDI connectivity, the dedicated hardware synth can be processed with external effects or using its own high-quality, real time effects: Phaser, Chorus, Delay, Reverb, Distortion, Parametric EQ*, Bit Crusher* (*= coming with a free OS updgrade). The Origin is expected to retail at $3200, 2490€ See below for Origin video..
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